Fundi Kipusa - Empowering Kenyan Youth Through Training

Fundi Kipusa
Community Based Organisation
Company Size
10 - 25
Mtwapa , Kenya
Project Duration
2 months (Dec. 2021 - Jan. 2022)
Visit WebsiteVisit Github project

I helped Fundi Kipusa cbo develop a new website and improved their online presence.

Fundi Kipusa is a Kenyan community-based organization website I built to showcase their mission of empowering young Kenyans with vital skills.

Website Purpose:

Highlight Training Programs: Fundi Kipusa offers training in various fields like agriculture, engineering, construction, and even blockchain technology. The website clearly presents these programs and their benefits. Community Focus: The website emphasizes Fundi Kipusa's commitment to youth development and building a better future for Kenya. Volunteer Opportunities: Attract potential volunteers who share Fundi Kipusa's vision by showcasing their impact and the opportunity to contribute. Technical Skills Demonstrated:

Front-End Development: This project highlights my proficiency in building websites using fundamental web development technologies like HTML, CSS, and Vanilla JavaScript. Informative Content Creation: The website effectively communicates Fundi Kipusa's mission, programs, and impact through well-structured and engaging content. Community Focus: The design and content aim to build a sense of community and inspire user engagement. This website demonstrates my ability to:

Translate a non-profit organization's mission into a user-friendly website. Build a website with strong foundational web development skills. Design a website that fosters a sense of community and purpose.